Illustration exercise - Drawing,collage and digital media.

I've been gathering photographs from my godsons in natural poses or doing what they love to do best, goofing around!!! start by sketching some of their poses for reference, A great way to spend the afternoon – Pencil in hand and a steady flow of excellent poses with attitude.and then watercolour to give it life like they meant to be in a story book on the bottom of the sea. I also add my ceramic pieces as decorative elements since they are related.
I also use different papers to add texture and patterns to my drawings. Last year I bought a beautiful "VÄXTGLÄDJE" (I cant even pronounce it) wrapping paper at Ikea and I've been using it alot recently . After scanning all my drawings , I use the Illustrator program to manipulate colour and shape.

1,10,1000 Project

Finish and ready for assessment. "What you see during day day may change at night" Inspired by bio-luminescent sea life,the focus on this project is the sensory perception. Research on visual and tactile-somatic perception through clay and luminescent resin. Textures, Textures, textures!!! I invite you to turn out the light and touch it.

Under the sea pots

My small batch of ceramic pieces finally finish. Hand built pieces that have each taken many hours to create. Loads of hard work but I'm happy .

© Copyright 2015 Andreia Rodrigues